About the Law is an independent professional studio,
founded in 2018 by Anna Lunghi, managing partner.

Provides legal advice on following fields of law: civil and commercial, art and cultural heritage, international, intellectual property and data protection.

Provides her advisory in Italian, English, French and Spanish, addressing to an international Clients.

Acts as a civil and commercial mediator, judge-arbitrator, teacher in professional training institutes and/or higher secondary schools, juridical-legal interpreter and translator.

Collaborates also with law firms, mediation entities, public institutions, foundations and associations, companies and freelancers, families and individuals finding the best legal solution for each individual case.

The best decision is the one expressed by the parties thanks to the creative force led by experts!

Dr. Anna Lunghi

Anna Lunghi is a law linguist expert, founder and director of About the Law, she was born in Crema on September 16, 1987.

Trained in classical and modern perspective, even while learning dance, she completed her high school studies in her hometown after an intercultural experience in Perth, Australia.

She has lived, worked and studied in Milan since 2006. She moved to attend the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University USCS, where she graduated in 2014 with a thesis in private international law entitled: “The international circulation of  cultural assets. The applicable law to the return to the State of origin”.

The Milanese years were interspersed with periods of study in France and Spain and of research at the UN headquarters in Vienna, in Austria.

Currently she practices the professions of legal consultant, mediator and judge-arbitrator, teacher.

Passionate about arts, dances, cultures, populations and languages, she cultivates the passion of Travelling!


How can I help you:

Legal consultancy


  • hereditary successions
  • right of citizenship
  • civil union rights
  • family law
  • right to compensation for damages:
    road traffic,
    medical liability
  • credit recovery, debt management
  • condominium issues
  • social support management


  • agreements between cohabitants
  • preliminary sale
  • short and tourist rentals
  • sale of the company
  • real estate rights, usufruct, free loan
  • labour law agreements owner/worker

Mediation and arbitration

  • civil and commercial field
  • out-of-court resolution of:
    disputes, disagreements
  • appointments from: Mediation Entities, Arbitration Chamber
  • drawing up: ad hoc clauses, procedure requests
  • informative sessions
  • possibility of family mediation

Research and teaching


  • art law, cultural heritage and landscape protection
  • lawyer linguist
  • uncertified translations
  • interpreter in negotiations
  • speaker at conferences/conventions


  • professional training institutes
  • high schools in juridical-economic fields
  • summer law school
  • civics and active citizenship education
  • courses for real estate agents
    (in law field)

“There are those who stare only at the darkness.
I prefer to contemplate the stars.
Each person has its own way of look at the night.”

Victor-Marie Hugo

About the Law contributes to the global cultural, social, environmental,
economic well-being and to the personal development of every individual!

About the Law contribuisce al benessere culturale, sociale, ambientale, economico globale e allo sviluppo personale di ogni essere umano!

“There are those who stare only at the darkness.

I prefer to contemplate the stars.

Each person has its own way of
look at the night.

- Victor Hugo

Out of curiosity, out of necessity, write to About the Law.

I will get back to you as soon as possible!